Healthy Eating — South Carolina Edition

I’ve been living in South Carolina for the past few months clearing out my Mum’s home after her passing while continuing to run a full-time business and serve my clients. Mum had previously cleared out a lot of her kitchen items so I find myself with a full kitchen but without all my usual “tools”.

I’m often asked if I eat out a lot.  I don’t.  My goal while here is to eat as locally as possible (I’m really missing my usual garden back home in Massachusetts!) while keeping my SC expenses minimal, after all I’m still paying for my Massachusetts home where my husband and 5 furr-kids are.  🙂

Here in SC, it’s me and my Mum’s 4 furr-kids for probably a couple more months.

Two things I keep getting asked:

  1. What do you eat and how do you find time with everything else going on?
  2. It’s just me and I can’t be bothered to cook for one person and have so many leftovers, how do you do it?

This blog is veering a tad off it’s original purpose to answer these questions and share pics/recipes that work for one person or your entire family.  I welcome any suggestions you have and hope you enjoy what you find here.


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