Healthy Eating — Day 2

Breakfast:  Craving something warm after a hard workout and cold walk, I headed straight for a “Detox Tea”.  Some people like to put honey in it, but I find them perfect “as is” and usually make 2 cups with the same tea bag as they have enough flavor and I don’t like my tea super strong.  The tea was perfect outside and quickly followed by a pink grapefruit and a Vann’s Ancient Grains Gluten-Free Waffle (keep in freezer and just toast — I’ve found the best deals on these at either Target or Walmart, often a couple dollars less than the grocery stores) with some Peanut Butter Cream.

Traditionals Detox Tea Ancient Grains Waffle and Pink Grapefruit

Lunch:  Nothing can beat the freshness of a greens and berry salad with some crunchy walnuts and that was for lunch today.  The berries were so juicy that I skipped the dressing.  How about you? What’s your favorite dressing?

Strawberry Green Salad

Dinner:  Still looking for salad today, but something a little heavier, I went with farmer’s market tomatoes (YUM!) and lettuce over roasted garlic and pecan brown rice.  Nothing beats my little rice cooker which makes SO MUCH MORE than rice (can we say the best oatmeal ever!).  Since I’m on my own here, we’ll be seeing the leftovers of this rice again.  🙂

Salad over roasted garlic and pecan rice

Healthy Eating — Day 1

For whatever reason, I haven’t been hungry at all when waking up, so my routine’s become: wake up, let Buddy out or take him for a walk if warmer with a 25oz bottle of water w/ a peppermint tea bag in it (cold-brewed mint tea).

Then home…Today:

Breakfast: Pink grapefruit and about an ounce of raw nuts.  It’s a perfect combo for me when I know I should eat something but am not feeling super hungry.


Lunch:  Busy day heads down on some big projects for work meant a quick  lunch — not something I do often, but they’re good to have in a pinch.  Today’s was Portobello Mushroom Ravioli with spinach and red pepper in a basil sauce.  The sauce was a little rich so I ended up scraping it off and eating the raviolis and greens.


Dinner:  Lunch was pretty heavy so I went with a simple smoothie for dinner: Frozen organic berries, raw broccoli, chia seeds, coconut water, vegan protein powder (this is vanilla and my favorite as it doesn’t have an aftertaste where a lot of others do — it also doesn’t really affect the flavor of the smoothie), and a little cucumber from the local Farmer’s Market (or soon, from the garden!!!).  Put all of these into my NutriBullet and voila! no chunks and a quick smoothie.

Frozen Berry Smoothie

I track my meals using the My Fitness Pal app (free edition) to keep an eye on calories and ensure I’m getting enough overall.  One thing I’ve realized is that with the South Carolina heat and humidity, I often don’t crave as much food.  Today was one of those days.

Healthy Eating — South Carolina Edition

I’ve been living in South Carolina for the past few months clearing out my Mum’s home after her passing while continuing to run a full-time business and serve my clients. Mum had previously cleared out a lot of her kitchen items so I find myself with a full kitchen but without all my usual “tools”.

I’m often asked if I eat out a lot.  I don’t.  My goal while here is to eat as locally as possible (I’m really missing my usual garden back home in Massachusetts!) while keeping my SC expenses minimal, after all I’m still paying for my Massachusetts home where my husband and 5 furr-kids are.  🙂

Here in SC, it’s me and my Mum’s 4 furr-kids for probably a couple more months.

Two things I keep getting asked:

  1. What do you eat and how do you find time with everything else going on?
  2. It’s just me and I can’t be bothered to cook for one person and have so many leftovers, how do you do it?

This blog is veering a tad off it’s original purpose to answer these questions and share pics/recipes that work for one person or your entire family.  I welcome any suggestions you have and hope you enjoy what you find here.