The Garden is Popping: Pallets, Grow Bags, Bag Beds & Containers Oh My!

So excited that my attempt at Pallet, Potato Grow Bag and “Bag Bed” gardening is starting off well.

Here’s a peak at the first pallet — it’s got strawberries, lettuce (they’re just coming up — a bit slow), zucchini and red bell pepper:

Pallet Garden

The potatoes are kicking butt in their grow bags — once the greens get to about 7-8″, I’ll add another 4 inches of soil mix.  Doing this will encourage even more potatoes to grow and once the visible 4″ of greens becomes another total 8″…I’ll add more 4 inches of soil:

Potato Grow Bag

And the “Bag Beds” are off to a good start.  While my plan had been to build raised beds this year, the “disc issue” prevented it so I:

  • put down bags of organic raised bed planting mix [note…not simply “soil” or garden dirt.  Some Home Depots also carry this mix (the one nearest me didn’t, but I found another that does so call and check], using a screwdriver,
  • poked a dozen holes in the bags so roots can grow through if they wish and water can drain and then
  • placed cardboard between the bags to stop the grass from taking over.

Here’s a shot of some “Bag Beds” which are growing summer squash, zucchini, watermelon, cucumber and bush beans — as part of this summer’s “testing”, I’m using two types of organic raised bed planting mix: Nature’s Care and Dr. Earth.  Thank goodness there’s no HOA (homeowner’s association) to squeal about my bags and cardboard (the cardboard will decompose into the soil and serve as compost for next season’s actual beds so it’s a win/win and recycling at it’s best).

Bag Beds


And then there are the containers: Pea Sprouts, Tatsoi, Spinach tons of herbs (peppermint, lavender, oregano, chocolate mint, pineapple mint, thyme, basil, dill, parsley, spearmint and more I’m likely forgetting):

Pea pods




So what are you growing this season?  I’d love to hear in the comments!