Healthy Eating Day 3

Breakfast:  The hotter it is outside, the less I want to eat — do you find that’s true for you?  And, just as importantly, the less I want to cook or spend time prepping.  So today’s breakfast was quick and easy.  One of my “go to” smoothies.  They’re simply coconut water, frozen berries, greens, either seeds or nuts (chia seeds today), turmeric, black pepper, coconut oil and vegan protein powder.  Whipped up in my NutriBullet and a healthy breakfast awaits. For some reason, I just love drinking them from a big mason jar.  🙂

Smoothie Overhead View

Lunch:  Still full from breakfast and heads down on work projects, I kept it simple with banana and peanut butter.

Bananas & Peanut Butter

Dinner:  Still “icky” out (you know that mugginess you can cut with a knife?  That’s it!), I opted for dinner out at Moe’s.  I got the Band Camp (their veggie meal) with very little rice, a lot of mushrooms and extra guacamole.  While I love all their veggies, I really wish they offered brown rice.

Moe's Band Camp

Evening:  It was a perfect evening for a cup of cold-brewed peppermint tea.