Healthy Eating Day 5 (South Carolina Travel Edition)

Breakfast:  Seems lately I haven’t really been hungry, of course it’s been really hot and muggy here so that’s likely the reason.  So be it, another berry and green smoothie, albeit a small one.



Lunch:  Salad, salad, salad…they’re just so refreshing when it’s hot out.  Arugula (I love it’s gentle bite), tomatoes from my little patio plant, spinach, romaine and walnuts with Skinny Girl Balsamic Vinaigrette (they have several sugar-free versions).  It hit the spot perfectly!

Green salad


Dinner:  Finally, true hunger returned.  And I wanted comfort food!  Gluten-free pasta with tomato sauce and a side of salad (otherwise I’d have eaten WAY too much pasta).  The great thing about pasta is that it’s easy to make for one person.  And it was perfect, exactly what I wanted.

Pasta and Salad


And afterward, a strong cup of peppermint tea (I don’t know where you shop, but for me, the Twinings is almost $2 cheaper per box on Amazon than in my local stores).  It’s amazing how it can be both refreshing and soothing at the same time.

Healthy Eating – Day 8

Breakfast: Every once in a while I’m just not really hungry for breakfast. But knowing I was heading into several calls where I couldn’t eat (no one likes to hear you chew on the phone or whip out the Nutribullet to make a smoothie), I grabbed a LaraBar (they now have ones with extra protein) – today I tried the Peanut Butter Cookie Protein Bar. Honestly, I’m not a fan. I adore(!) the regular bars, but the nuts in this one seemed just “too” hard. I have two more higher protein ones in the cabinet and we’ll see how those are. 🙂

Lunch: By lunch I was starved and craving comfort food. With the busy call day, I needed something quick – Trader Joe’s Asparagus Risotto to the rescue. Had one in my freezer and it was 7 minutes from freezer to bowl. It was exactly what I was craving! 🙂

Risotto with Asparagus

Dinner:  Still pretty full from lunch, dinner was simply a few Late July Organic tortilla chips, Cabot Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese and a perfectly-ripe organic pear with a cup of Stash Peppermint Tea.

Cheese, Apple & Tortilla