Healthy Eating – Day 8

Breakfast: Every once in a while I’m just not really hungry for breakfast. But knowing I was heading into several calls where I couldn’t eat (no one likes to hear you chew on the phone or whip out the Nutribullet to make a smoothie), I grabbed a LaraBar (they now have ones with extra protein) – today I tried the Peanut Butter Cookie Protein Bar. Honestly, I’m not a fan. I adore(!) the regular bars, but the nuts in this one seemed just “too” hard. I have two more higher protein ones in the cabinet and we’ll see how those are. 🙂

Lunch: By lunch I was starved and craving comfort food. With the busy call day, I needed something quick – Trader Joe’s Asparagus Risotto to the rescue. Had one in my freezer and it was 7 minutes from freezer to bowl. It was exactly what I was craving! 🙂

Risotto with Asparagus

Dinner:  Still pretty full from lunch, dinner was simply a few Late July Organic tortilla chips, Cabot Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese and a perfectly-ripe organic pear with a cup of Stash Peppermint Tea.

Cheese, Apple & Tortilla